Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nine months

My Marla is three quarters of a year old! How??

Her latest stats:

Weight - 17 lbs, 10 oz (27%)
Height - 27.75 in (56%)
Head - 44.5 cm (65%)

Her growth rate has slowed a bit, which the doctor says is normal for breastfed babies. She's surpassed her bunny in size, which makes it easier for her to tackle him.

She's gotten a couple of colds in the past month, probably the result of being in daycare full-time. They've slowed her down, but she's maintained a positive attitude for the most part.

She's still just rockin' the two teeth, but continues to gnaw on just about everything. The rest can't be too far off.

She's gotten really good at feeding herself and her lack of teeth hasn't stopped her from eating all sorts of things. Like spaghetti.

She loves the sippy cup and recently discovered an unusual method of drinking from it. What a monkey.

She can get into a sitting position on her own, which has made life a little more interesting, to say the least. Here's a shot of the video monitor during what was *supposed* to be a nap.

Play time with Dad!

She started crawling last week. Watching her master this skill has been entertaining. This video was taken on her first day of crawling. As you can see, she hadn't quite figured the whole thing out.


1 comment:

Tracy said...

She's so little! B&H each have at least 5 lbs on her (he's near 23, she's about 21.5). Hopefully, this won't affect their self-esteem later on in life. :)