Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The many faces of Marla Rae

For the first few weeks after Marla was born, I was desperate for some sign that she was enjoying life. Most of my time was spent comforting, feeding, and changing her. But lately she's been so much more interactive and expressive. We're having a great time getting to know our little girl, as there seems to be no end to the number of funny faces and sounds she can make. Here's just a few shots to give you an idea of how she spends her time.

Thumb-sucking Marla:

Sleepy Marla:
Bath time Marla:

Packer fan Marla:

"Talking" Marla:

Crabby Marla:

Sleeping Marla:

 Totally annoyed with Mom's picture taking Marla:

Traveling Marla:

 Naked Marla:

And my absolute favorite: Happy Marla!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

LOVE her faces, and love the idea of compiling lots of different face pictures. I'm so doing that for Ben & Hannah. Thanks for the good idea!