Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Me and my first world problems

First of all, I know there are a lot more important things to complain about in this world besides a baby monitor. But humor me.

Our video monitor is my security blanket. It's my rock. It's not *technically* necessary, of course. Marla's room is right next to ours and I could hear her through a herd of elephants if I had to, but I still love it. It's hard to explain if you have only ever used a regular audio monitor, but video really does make a huge difference. On the other hand, sometimes what you don't know can't hurt you. For instance, if I couldn't see it happening, I would probably never know that she was manhandling the camera during a nap the other day. This interest in the camera is new. I was forced to move it from its perch on top of her crib to a bookshelf across her room. She can no longer reach it, although she continues to point at it and make concerned comments: "Dat. Ba. Ahhh-baaaa!!" Whatever.

(Why does this picture remind me of a movie where the bad guy rips the security camera down before robbing the bank and fleeing with a hostage?)  

Ok, so I found a work-around on the camera end. But imagine my horror on Sunday when I discovered that the receiver wasn't working. Marla had gotten a hold of it and somehow changed the settings and deleted the connection to the camera. So maybe she's not a bank robber, but one of those evil genius computer hackers that deciphers nuclear codes from her bedroom. Yesterday she changed the screen saver on Jeff's phone... to a picture of herself. I don't know about you, but I'm a little scared of what this generation of techies is capable of.
"NO CAMERA" = sad face
This didn't last long. I thought the broken receiver might be the impetus for just phasing out the monitor entirely, but I couldn't do it. I read through the manual and fixed it the next day. I'm back to stalking Marla's every move and won't be stopping anytime soon. Well, until she finds another way to sabotage my system, anyway. 


Tracy said...

We don't have a video monitor, but I can't bring myself to turn off our audio one, either. And you're right - not like I need it. I could hear them fart in their sleep (and we are upstairs while they sleep downstairs!)

Momma's security blanket.

Phil and Dana said...

There are many times that I wish I had a video monitor. If we had one, I would undoubtedly be glued to the thing and could never go back. Yeah, Adam's done some crazy techie stuff, too, including ordering a pay per view show. Can't imagine what the guy on the phone thought of Phil..."I swear, my one-year-old ordered it. I need it taken off my bill."